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Volunteer honour roll
We have so many wonderful volunteers and sponsors it is difficult to keep the honour roll up to date. If your name is not up yet please be patient as we continually update our honour roll. Thank you to all of you.
A.B.STEEL SUPPLIES from Caboolture, heavily discounted the steel for our plant-sale benches and delivered the materials free. The benches are used in our nursery sales section so visitors can purchase butterfly attracting plants for their gardens. Thank you very much Jake at A.B.Steel Supplies on 5498 9516.
A.B.Steel Supplies

ACE ALARMS We met Terry Cupitt over 30 years ago and he has helped us with security work ever since. When we rang and explained about the butterfly chrity project, Terrt and Ann put their hands up to help. They canvassed their suppliers and secured all the hardware at a vert low price and then their company, Ace Alarms, supplied all the cabling and installation at no cost whatsoever. Thank you Ace Alarms for your wonderful help.
Ace Alarms

ADRIAN CLARK is a tiler on Bribie who has bored holes in our ceramic toilet to drain water away from our 'magic taps'. Adrian also cut the hole in the base of Roy and Joy Ross's beautiful multi tiered water feature. When Adrian saw our chainsaw-engined motorbike with the pot-man on it he explained that his thirteen year old son had built the motorbike. Adrian explained that it was a dangerous machine, a widow-maker, and he was so glad when it finally got pensioned off. If you want to know about the magic taps and the pot-man on the motorbike come and see for yourself. Adrian's advice and practical help has been appreciated very much. Thank you, Adrian.
Adrian Clark

ALAN DOSSEL (see Dossel's Engineering)
Alan Dossel

ALAN McGAUGHEY (see B.P. Plumbing Supplies)

ALDO LOI Builder and gold sponsor. Aldo has donated hundreds of hours of his time to advise, supervise, construct and even supply many materials and tools in his role as building supervisor. Over the years, Aldo has mentored dozens of young people in the sport of football. He has then gone the second mile and helped many of them to get started in trade work even in their own businesses. He's been a great encourager to lots of young men. Many times we have rung trades people to ask if they'd donate their time to construct the Butterfly House and Breeding Laboratory. When they knew Aldo was involved, they've often said, "Look if it's anything to do with Aldo, I'll donate my time." Thank you Aldo for the huge weight you have taken off our shoulders.

ALLAN SANDILANDS Allan has been a huge supporter in the journey forward to the opening of the new butterfly house and after the opening too. Because Allan and his long-term partner, Lynda, have worked together as a team for the butterfly house, please go to 'Lynda Bathe' to read more about their input into the project. Allan, thank you heaps for your help and friendship.
Allan Sandilands

ALLAN KING Where do we start? Allan has been an unbelievable helper of our interest in butterflies and butterfly plants for several years. He has given us literally thousands of plants to plant, give away and now that the new butterfly house is open, to sell. Allan has an unbelievable photographic memory and his plant knowledge is nothing less than amazing. He has given us many thousands of seeds plus butterfly eggs, caterpillars ad chrysalises. Allan has recommended and purchased on our behalf our automatic irrigation controllers, then set them up and delivered them. He has taught us a huge amount about how to turn Bribie sand into nutrient rich soil and assisted with our fertilisation procedures. By now you probably think we're talking about God. Actually, no, but he's one of God's children who has been given the ability to use more of his brain in one year than many of us use in a whole lifetime. Well, after all that, thank you, Allan, for the huge assistance and great kindness you've given to us and continue to give to ensure that the Bribie Island Butterfly House is a success. Thank you heaps, again!
Allan King

ALAN WILSON took the responsibility of heading up the team to produce three great seats for the visitors to sit on in the butterfly house. See 'Bribie and District Woodcrafters Association.' Thank you so very, very much, Alan, for a great job well done.
Alan Wilson

AMANDA DRYDEN works with the Moreton Bay Regional Council and Amanda was responsible for cutting through the red tape to expedite the beginnings of our construction work. Thank you so much, Amanda, for your wonderful help.
Amanda Dryden

ANDREW PRIESTLEY from the Moreton Bay Regional Council has always been extremely helpful from the beginning to the end of this great project. He has bent over backwards to assist in any way he could – and then gone even further. Thank you hugely, Andrew.
Andrew Priestley

ANGELA BLINCO is seriously a gold star sponsor who has worked tirelessly for this project ever since the initial ‘hobby’ started at a residential address at Banksia Beach. Where do we start? Angela is a serious ambassador for the Butterfly project, conducts children’s butterfly education talks and displays in schools and pre-schools, has spent a lot of hours changing food for hungry caterpillars, releasing butterflies, caring for the Facebook page, putting leaflets into letterboxes with the help of her children, marketing, photography, encouragement, you name it and Angela is doing it. I think we’ll just shorten her name to Angel. Thank you heaps.

ARDEX As a result of a request by Dean Adams to Ardex for the donation of hundreds of dollars worth of waterproofing sealer, they kindly supplied it free of charge. The sealer was needed in the construction of our breeding lab. Thank you very much Ardex for your very kind help given to the Bribie Island Butterfly House.

AUSTRALIAN BUTTERFLY SANCTUARY is based at Kuranda on the Atherton Tableland near Cairns in North Queensland. These wonderful people have been extremely supportive of our involvement in the Butterfly House journey. They have donated many thousands of butterfly eggs and lots of excellent advice. They have an excellent rainforest-themed butterfly house and we highly recommend that you visit while in North Queensland. Thank you heaps for your wonderful help.
Australian Butterfly Sanctuary

AUSTRALIAN COUNTRY LIVING is Shop 86 at the Morayfield Shopping Centre. It stocks a huge array of useful and unusual items to grace young home. When you visit the shop, it would be most unusual for you to leave empty handed. Ian and Linda kindly gave us a huge blue and white caterpillar for half price to help the butterfly house. You'll see it above one of the viewing tunnel windows at the start of the caterpillar section. Thank you heaps, Ian and Linda.
Australian Country Living

AUSTRALIAN GRAPHIC SUPPLIES (AGS) donated the vinyl backing for the 100 positive signs inside the butterfly house as well as vinyl for the 10 metre long sign above the breeding lab. Thank you AGS for your great help. www.AGS.com.au
Australian Graphic Supplies

BILL ADAMS TILING Dean Adams is the son of the original Bills Adams and Dean has many many tilers working on his team. Amongst all of his busyness he made the time to approach Ardex to donate hundreds of dollars worth of waterproofing product for sealing around our laboratory windows, doors, toilet floors and many other areas. He drove many kilometres to deliver the goods to us and we are very indebted to Dean for his kind help. Thank you, Bills Adams Tiling www.billadamstiling.com
Bill Adams

BOB MILLER lives in North Queensland, doesn't enjoy the best of health but has a very good and positive attitude. Bob has shared with us lots of very good information to help us along our butterfly raising journey. He showed us where to find seeds for Adenia vines and helped us with caterpillars and chrysalises. Thank you heaps, Bob. We wish you all the best on your somewhat tempestuous journey in life and your great attitude you share with us.
Bob Miller

BOB STUTTER is a builder who donated his time to put up the frame for our pump shed and also completed other tasks to help us on the journey. Thank you very much, Bob, for your very helpful input.
Bob Stutter

BOB NEWELL is a gold sponsor and retired chemical engineer. He has joined our team of volunteers, and apart from his official title of Secretary/Treasurer, Bob wears many other hats. Along with his wife Joyce, he has constructed STICK INSECT ISLAND, calculated, marked out and installed shade cloth, irrigation lines, garden shed, ticket office, payment system, mapping of plants, irrigation and electric cable positions in and around the butterfly house and laboratory. Also, Bob has donated several items out of his own pocket. We are so grateful Bob and Joyce for your very valuable help. Thank you again and again.
Bob Newell

BRETT JONES Brett turned up one day and said, 'Do you remember me?' Forty years earlier as a high school student Brett had helped clean rocks off a little property we had in the bush. Now he's back! Well, what do you know – he's now a boilermaker and builder. They're the exact skills we needed at the time. Brett supplied and welded the steel frame for our big butterfly 'photo opportunity' and did an excellent job. He also helped with many other odd jobs around the place. Thank you very much, Brett, for your wonderful help.
Brett Jones

BOB SHIPMAN Because we had three Bobs working on the project, it became a bit confusing. To lessen the confusion, this Bob became 'Barbed Wire Bob'. Why? Because he has barbed wire tattooed right around his head! Then to top it off, he's got a huge redback spider dome on top of his head and so that you can't sneak up behind him, he's got two eyes in the back of his head – interesting to say the least! Well, after all that, Bob is an absolutely lovely man – a real champion. His mark is on a huge amount of the new butterfly house. He dug, built, painted, assembled, advised, lent, drove, dumped, picked up, foster-cared butterfly plants and did too many other things to fit on this page. Bob has been an absolute champion and truly deserves the gold star in front of his name. Thank you, Bob.
Bob Shipman

B.P. PLUMBING SUPPLIES (Caboolture) Alan very kindly supplied a lot of PVC pipe and fittings for the unseen drainage systems for our water features in the Butterfly House. Thank you very, very much Alan for your kindness in helping the Butterfly House open its doors debt-free. Their phone number for plumbing supplies is 54991666.
BP Plumbing Supplies

BUTTERFLY HILL BUTTERFLY HOUSE Brett and Teena operate a butterfly house at Nambour. They have very kindly helped us over recent years by supplying us with plants, eggs, caterpillars, and friendship. www.facebook.com/butterflyhillnambour is their facebook site.
Brett and Teena

BRIAN COX Retired plant-nursery owner who has kindly supplied shade cloth, piping, weed mat, timber, secateurs, a nursery trolley, as well as two humidifiers and digital temperature and humidity measuring instruments for the Breeding Lab, and many other items. Brian is also a very good propagator and Butterfly Plant Foster Carer. We deeply appreciate your ongoing help Brian.
Brian Cox

BRIBIE ISLAND SAND AND GRAVEL have kindly discounted sand, gravel, cement and mulch to help craft some unusual water features. We are very thankful for your kind help Anne and Mandie.
Bribie Sand and Gravel

BRIBIE ISLAND SIGNS Lovely Nicole Jones has been a huge help to the Butterfly House, supplying lots of design work and many signs, mostly free and some at cost. Nicole and retired sign-writer Errol Fender have worked together to supply our wonderful signs of various descriptions. Thanks you heaps Nicole. www.bribieislandsigns.com.au
Bribie Island Signs

BRIBIE AND DISTRICT WOODCRAFTERS ASSOCIATION INC This great community group on Bribie has done a wonderful job supplying the raw materials and the craftsmanship to produce the three seats in the butterfly house. The seats were crafted from the very durable local timber, Bribie Island pine. The club members who kindly donated their time to complete this project were Alan Wilson, Jim Daley, John Westerhuis, Ian Bulger and Keema, all of whom contributed their various skills. Alan's email read, 'We are pleased to contribute our work on behalf of the Bribie Woodies towards your ambitious project which will enhance the tourism and environment in our local region.' Alan also supplied and stained the big doorknobs on the unusual stained glass door in the butterfly house. If you are a visitor, take your photo between the two 'potheads' on the butterfly backed seat.
Bribie and District Woodcrafters Association

BRENDAN HARVEY Brendan is a builder who very kindly donated his time and talents to help us with the construction of the breeding laboratory. When he knew that Aldo Loi had volunteered his time to be the building supervisor, Brendan said, 'If Aldo's helping, I'll help.' He's done an excellent job fitting the roof trusses and several other jobs. Thank you, Brendan for helping. For first-class building work, Brendan's number is 0438786095.
Brendan Harvey

BRIBIE MAGAZINE is published by the Chamber of Commerce. It comes out annually and is a highly valued resource for many thousands of visitors and locals alike. Even when our butterfly house was simply operating as a hobby at a residential address, Bribie Magazine has very kindly included our story. Thank you very much to the Bribie Island Chamber of Commerce and your great team. Their website is www.bribie.com.au
Bribie Magazine

BRIBIE ISLAND MOWER and CYCLE CENTRE Our hole borer broke down. We were using it mix clay and mineral laden blue-metal crusher dust into the Bribie sand at the new butterfly house. This turns the hungry sand into nutrient-rich soil to grow thousands of flowers in the butterfly house.
Todd and Debbie very kindly came to our rescue and repaired our hole borer and lent us a rotary hoe for as long as we needed it – all for free, and all with a smile and the good old fashioned service that this pair are famous for on Bribie Island. www.bribieislandmowers@bigpond.com
Bribie Mower and Cycle - Todd and Debbie
BRIBIE PONTOONS under the ownership of Grant Allen, manufactures and supplies pontoons up and down the coast. Grant has donated two heavy duty polystyrene boards for our chrysalis frames in the viewing windows. Thank you heaps Grant. www.bribiepontoons.com.au Phone 3408 3822
Bribie Pontoons

BRIBIE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER and their great staff have been very very generous with their inclusion of editorial material. Thank you hugely for including so many informative articles about the butterfly house and many other wonderful happenings on our great Bribie Island. Their newspaper sits on top of an unusual letterbox in the butterfly house.
Bribie Weekly

BUD We needed a skip bin for our construction rubbish while building our breeding lab. Then we needed another one and another one and another one and another one and another one. Bud very kindly supplied them free of charge because it was for a genuine humanitarian cause. We rang him for his business name so we could give credit to this wonderful man on our Honour Roll. He said, 'I don't want any credit. I don't do things to receive “brownie points”. You people are doing a great job for helping less fortunate people. You're doing it for all the right reasons and your heart is in the right place. ' So after all that we can't give you his details for when you need a skip bin. Bud has a heart for helping people and is a wonderful humble man. Thank you so much for your very kind help.
BUSY FINGERS is the largest Op Shop on Bribie. This group works very hard and donates a huge amount of money and goods to worthy causes on and around Bribie Island. When we needed a garden/tool shed, put their hand up. When we needed over $1,000 for our drip irrigation equipment to accurately water our butterfly food plants, they put their hand up. We are so very very thankful to this wonderful organization, Busy Fingers.
Busy Fingers

CAPRAL ALUMINIUM donated the square aluminium tubing that Errol Fender and others used to produce the frames for our signs in the butterfly house as well as the stakes for the 100 positive sayings that are dotted around the garden. Thank you also Josephine at Capral for helping to organise your very kind gift. www.capral.com.au
Capral Aluminium

CAROL ….. (Carol, we are so sorry we have forgotten your last name – I think it's called 'old-timers' disease.' We do hope you read this. It's the Carol whose mobile number ends with 1500. Carol has helped in the old breeding lab during 2015 and did an excellent job. She was very fastidious and kind to the caterpillars and we wish we could have her back again at the new butterfly house. Thank you so very much, Carol, for helping us on the journey towards the new butterfly house that gives so much joy and peace to so many visitors.
CAROL POBAR Carol organised for us to explain the butterfly house project to the VIEW Club on Bribie. This group addresses issues of concern to women. Carol then went on to organise bright clothes, paint and boots for the potheads on the butterfly seat (you can take your photo sitting between the potheads.) Carol and her husband have also helped with window and path cleaning, fertilising pots and other helpful tasks. Thank you both very much for your great work.
Carol Pobar
CHERYL SCARLETT was a great help to the project where she assisted Leila and the team in our first breeding lab on the island. Thank you so much, Cheryl, for being a great part of our journey to where we are today.
Cheryl Scarlett

CHRISTINE HORG very kindly donated the artwork for our butterfly logo. If you look at the logo, you’ll see that the wings consist of two capital ‘B’ letters and the antennae are in the shape of the letter ‘V’. Together they are the initials for Bribie Butterfly Volunteers – a wonderful team of helpers who we need more of. Thank you very much Christine for the logo we are very proud to have.

CHRIS TREWIN When we came to live on Bribie a few years ago, we listed a few things we could do to be helpful in the community. We constructed a small butterfly house, a hydroponics system to grow lettuce, celery etc that we gave away by the thousands and a little nursery to produce and give away butterfly-attracting plants. The hobby attracted like-minded people and we produced and gave away free of charge over 6,000 plants, shrubs and trees on and around Bribie. We also raised butterflies and hundreds of people visited free of charge to take photos and sit and enjoy the therapy of having butterflies flying around them. Finally a neighbour complained about the project, the noise and the happy people and so the local Council had to act. It was unfortunate but it wasn't all that bad. The local councillor, Gary Parsons, brought out Chris Trewin from the Moreton Bay Regional Council and he liked what we were doing with the volunteers. The Council was more lenient than the neighbour and provided our group with a plot of land to construct a community butterfly house which has now happened. In life, when someone hands you a lemon, you've got to work out how to turn it into lemonade. With the help of people like Chris Trewin and others on the Council and our wonderful volunteers, we're now all drinking lemonade, and sharing with many extra volunteers and thousands of visitors to Bribie. Thank you all.
Chris Trewin

CHRIS AND DARYLE POULTON have helped to set up the pot-man on the motorbike. They've fitted his gloves, beard, boots, belt and scarf. Plus they have kindly delivered hundreds of letterbox leaflets above the project and done other jobs as well. Thank you heaps, Chris and Daryle.
Chris and Daryle Poulton
BROOKE SAVIGE After Gary Parsons retired, Brooke became the Councillor for Bribie and nearby areas. Gary did a fantastic job in helping the butterfly house to become a reality and now Brooke is our helper. At this stage we haven't needed much of Brooke's help but we're well aware that she is seriously supportive of the new butterfly house project. Thank you, Brooke, for your support and we wish you all the very best your responsible position in the community.
Councillor Brooke Savige

COLLEEN FINN Colleen is a potter from our Bribie Island and has very kindly put a lot of skill, love and care into crafting our 'circle of friends' with fog rising between them. The five friends each have a character of their own and they represent the many wonderful volunteers who have made and continue to make the butterfly house a success. If you are a visitor from not far away, we hope you'll consider filling out our volunteer application form. The statistics in favour of becoming a volunteer are (1) Volunteers make friends (2) Volunteers live longer (3) live happier, and (4) live healthier. Thank you again to all our wonderful people who have volunteered their time, talents and even dollars to make this project a great success. And again to Colleen, thank you for our ' Circle of Friends' as well as your volunteer work in the Breeding Laboratory before you moved south to be closer to your family. We miss you and Kerry.
Colleen Finn

COFFS HARBOUR BUTTERFLY HOUSE has helped us with the supply of leaf insects, butterfly life cycle DVDs as well as butterfly eggs. This great butterfly house is well worth a visit as you pass though the Coffs Harbour area. Thank you heaps for your generous support on our journey. www.butterflyhouse.com.au
Coffs Harbour Butterfly House
COMBINED SAW AND KNIFE (Sharpest in the Business) We needed a safe top on our bright red corrugated iron garden-edge that surrounds the base of the tea-cup feature. The CSK team very kindly donated many metres of plastic protection edging for this job as well as another 60 metres to line the top edge of the snake mesh that stops cats and rats from chewing through the shadecloth walls of the Butterfly House. Thank you so much Liz and team for your very kind help at CSK. www.combinedsaw.com.au
Combined Saw and Knife

COFFS HARBOUR BUTTERFLY HOUSE has helped us with the supply of leaf insects, butterfly life cycle DVDs as well as butterfly eggs. This great butterfly house is well worth a visit as you pass though the Coffs Harbour area. Thank you heaps for your generous support on our journey. www.butterflyhouse.com.au
Coffs Harbour Butterfly House

CRYSTAL KINCAID did an exceptional volunteering job for quite some time until her studies and work increased. Crystal always gave away a nice smile and would take on any task, even changing the caterpillars nappies. Nappy changing (cleaning caterpillar castles) is a big job until they grow up and become chrysalises. Thank you again Crystal.

CLAIR AND DAMIAN at nearby Ningi put their hands up to grow and care for some of the vines at their place. The vines are needed for leaf production to feed some of the hungry caterpillars in the breeding lab They also gave us a piece of large diameter PVC pipe that is in the pedestal that supports our circle of friends. Thank you so much for giving your support to the new butterfly house.
Clair and Damian

DAPHNE BOWDEN has propagated many many Birdwing Butterfly Vines for us to sell, as well as supplying lots of good advice over the years. As the editor of Metamorphosis Australia, Daphne has kindly include articles about the butterfly house projects in the magazine. It is well worth subscribing to the Butterfly and Other Invertebrates Club magazine www.boic.org.au Thank you heaps Daphne.

DARLING DOWNS TARPAULINS Over the years, Michael Ryan from Darling Downs Tarpaulins has very kindly helped with various projects we’ve been involved in. Michael has discounted our special butterfly house shade cover by hundreds of dollars for which we are extremely grateful. Thank you very much Michael for your kindness to a great environmental and humanitarian cause.
Darling Downs Tarpaulins - Michael

DAVID AND CAROLINE are caring for several of the vines needed to feed our hungry caterpillars. David has prepared the soil, planted and watered the vines and is continuing to care for them so we can harvest the leaves for our feeding programme. If anyone else has trellis space for vines and is a good gardener then please let us know as we need more 'butterfly plant foster carers'. Thank you again, David and Caroline.
David and Caroline
DARRYL OVENDEN has helped with welding work, fitting the big arbor in the centre of the butterfly house, finishing the pump shed door and trims and several other jobs. Thank you very much, Darryl, for your very valuable input.
Darryl Ovenden

DAVE and DI GILLET have given much appreciated ongoing help with the setting up of our S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedures) for the new butterfly house. Our volunteers, working committee and management committee members present ideas to improve the efficiency, economic and hygiene areas of our operation. Dave and Di put together into our S.O.P. so each volunteer can understand how to do things in the best possible way.
Dave and Di

DAVID KIKIHA has been very helpful as a volunteer. When he is not back in his native PNG he helps with many tasks including the delivery of leaflets for the butterfly house into many thousands of letterboxes on Bribie Island and nearby Australia.
David Kikiha

DELPHINE ARCHER Maybe the writer of these Honour Roll entries is a bit biased towards this very special lady but after all, some years ago she was awarded 'The World's Best Wife' trophy (by me) and she's still the same. Delphine has been an unbelievable companion in this Butterfly House journey. She is very compassionate towards the extreme poor in the world and so has accepted the position of charity manager with the Bribie Island Butterfly House. Go to 'Why We Exist' on our website and see how your entry fees are used. Delphine also wears many other hats as she 'picks up the slack' in so many areas of the operation of this wonderful humanitarian and environmental project. Delphine, you are a champion.
Delphine Archer

DON SANDILANDS is Allan's Dad. He has often come over with Allan to volunteer during the construction stages. He's helped Allan with the water features and drip irrigation. Don is about 80 years of age and sometimes wondered if he was a helper or a hinderer – he was always a helper! Don also kindly donated money to help the project move forwards toward completion. Sometimes he'd thoughtfully purchase a new watering nozzle or some other helpful item to replace some of our antiquated fittings. Thank you so much, Don, for your help and encouragement.
Don Sandilands

DOSSEL'S ENGINEERING Alan Dossel is a gold sponsor and has very kindly provided the big archway in the centre of the Butterfly House. It is seriously solid, strong-as, hot-dip galvanised and has saved us about $1,200 off the normal price. It has a couple of 'ponder rails' (when you visit you'll see what that means) and nectar producing pink coral vines cover the archway. Thank you very much Alan for your very kind help.
Dossel's Engineering

ERIC TABOR Eric is a great young man and a very helpful volunteer. Eric started with us a few months before the new butterfly house opened. He's done just about every task from smoothing a blockwork wall prior to painting, collecting thousands of eggs, releasing butterflies, watering plants, opening up, sweeping, cleaning and possibly a hundred other jobs. Thank you so much, Eric, for your very valuable contribution.
Eric Tabor

ERROL FENDER We met Errol at 'Shed Happens' which is a very popular monthly meeting for men. Before retiring, Errol operated the well-known company, Fender Signs. Errol said that when we need signs for the new butterfly house, he'd do them at no cost. True to his word, Errol has supplied dozens of signs, the largest being 10 metres long. He also approached companies to donate well over $1,000 worth of aluminium, vinyl for lettering, special prints, welding work, and, of course, all of the wonderful help from lovely Nicole Jones at Bribie Island Signs. Errol, as they say at 'Shed Happens', 'You're a champion!' Thank you so very, very much for all your kindness by seriously helping the Butterfly House to look great. Errol, we wish you the very best in every way.
Errol Fender

ERROL FLYNN (see R & M Flynn)
Errol Flynn

EZEE DESIGN & DRAFTING Essie operates her business here on Bribie Island and is very seriously a Gold Star Sponsor. Essie has prepared the Butterfly House and laboratory plans completely free of cost. Our visits to her office have been many and she has been very very patient with us. It seems that nothing is too much trouble for Essie. We absolutely recommend her business to anyone needing building and design work. Essie's contact number is 0401 077 787. Thank you again Essie - hugely.
Essie Grubb

FRED CLARK Fred is a gold sponsor. At the time of writing this, Fred is also our oldest volunteer at 79 years. He is our team leader for Monday and Tuesday mornings and does an excellent job of managing the volunteers under his care. Fred has put hundreds of hours into potting, cleaning, hydroponics care, and organising his team. As well as giving his time, he donated a lot of money to the project, and searched out and purchased many of our colour themed items for the breeding lab (visitors are impressed). Fred has put his hand up to be the Rosters Clerk as well as the Cleaning Manager. Fred knows that volunteers make friends, are healthier, happier, and live longer. Other older folk are joining Fred – retired, rejuvenated, recycled, and enjoying life. You are all champions! Thank you.
Fred Clark

GAMBLING COMMUNITY BENEFIT COMMITTEE This group very, very kindly saw fit to give us a huge donation for the butterfly house project - $35,000. The Committee Chairman, Ashley Robinson, gave some very encouraging words to us all at the Completion Celebration on 23/4/17. Our very sincere thanks goes to you for the amazing donation that helped us to make a serious leap forward towards the completion of this project.
Gambling Community Benefit Comittee

GARY PARSONS has served as the Councillor for Bribie and nearby districts for six years. He was the representative of the Island’s residents to the Council and did it extremely well. Gary has been, and still is, a wonderful ambassador for the Bribie Island Butterfly House. He has cut through a lot of red tape and encouraged us all the way. Incidentally, Gary has broken ten World Records in long-distance running, the longest race he won was a 1,000 mile (1,600km) race. He also ran 76 kilometres every day to cover 19,000 kilometres around Australia. You can read the book, ‘The Legacy Run’, written by his very supportive wife Sharon. We thank an incredible man for his incredible help with the Butterfly project.
Gary Parsons

GARRY SANKOWSKY Garry and Nada operated a butterfly house at Mt Tamborine before moving to the Atherton Tableland. They grow hundreds of different trees, shrubs and vines mostly to attract butterflies. Garry's knowledge about butterflies and their host plants is immense. Garry has kindly supplied us with huge numbers of seeds, plants and butterfly eggs for help with the establishment and ongoing operation of the butterfly house.
Gary Sankowsky

GERALDINE AND KEITH NEWBEGIN We first met Geraldine about three years ago at the old 'hobby' butterfly house in residential Banksia Beach. Geraldine watered our plants early in the morning almost every day of the week. She said it was good therapy for her. Then Geraldine and Keith put their hands up to become 'Butterfly Plant Foster Carers' and they cared for over 200 potted plants at their home. Geraldine has been extremely reliable, always texting when the watering and other jobs were completed at the old butterfly house. The texts would often include some lovely words of encouragement too. Thank you both very much for your wonderful input that has made the project a success.
Geraldine and Keith Newbegin

GLENNS CUSTOM STUFF Glenn Bailey has cut and welded aluminium frames for our signs Butterfly House. He's also supplied the space needed for our retired sign writer Errol Fender to paint our big 'photo-opportunity' butterfly. Thank you so very much Glenn for your great help. Glenn's phone number for custom fabrication work is 34101672.
Glenns Custom Stuff

GEOFF BUSTEED is a retired builder who has done a lot of work on our stormwater drains, sign fixing, lots of trimwork in the dark tunnel and many other jobs. Geoff has also lent us trestles, planks and ladders to help in the construction of this wonderful facility. Thank you heaps, Geoff, for your kindness in helping the Bribie Island Butterfly House become a reality.
Geoff Busteed

GOODSTART EARLY LEARNING CHILDCARE CENTRE has planted butterfly attracting plants and also conducted a fundraiser that will help us buy some workbenches for in the breeding laboratory. Thank you very much teachers, staff, parents and children for helping the Bribie Island Butterfly House to become a reality. www.goodstart.org.au/centres/bongaree
Goodstart Early Learning Childcare Centre

GORDON TONG has constructed the columns for our three pot-heads and put in many, many hours into the various painting jobs around he butterfly house. He's researched the correct products and advised us on methods for other tasks as well. A big thank you goes to Gordon for his ongoing help.
Gordon Tong

HANSON CONCRETE Through Greg Malpass and Julian Potten, the pre-mixed concrete company HANSON has supplied many many loads of concrete at bare cost for the Bribie Island Butterfly House project. It's a great environmental and humanitarian project and Hanson has very generously supported us from start to finish. As Gold Star sponsors you have helped this project enormously. We thank you Hanson and your entire team for your huge kindness to us. www.hanson.com.au
Hanson Concrete

HARDY CONCRETING Sean Hardy has very kindly supplied all the tie-down bolts we needed to fix the roofing to the concrete walls of the butterfly breeding laboratory and the dark entry tunnel. Thank you very much Sean for your kind donation.
Hardy Concreting

HELENA BROWN We first met at the Banksia Beach Garden Club to talk about the possibilities of a butterfly house on Bribie. Helena put her hand up and was able to help for many months. She potted plants, released butterflies, cleaned out caterpillar castles, and every other job. Thank you very much Helena for your part in pushing the project forward to where it is now.

HONGMING KAN is a fantastic Japanese photographer who lives in Brisbane. He has visited the Bribie Island Butterfly House and very kindly supplied us with some of the wonderfully sharp and detailed photos on our website. His close-up photos are excellent. When I first saw his photos I decided I'd buy the same camera so that I could take the same shots. Then I thought more about it and changed my mind for two reasons: (1) I don't have the patience and (2) it's not just the camera – it's the amazing learned and practiced skills of the photographer. Thank you Hongming Kan for your fantastic images.
Hongming Kan

INSPIRATION PAINTS & COLOUR (Dulux Trade Centre) has kindly donated our primer and paint for protecting the steel framework of the butterfly house. Under the kind care of Leonie and Dulux, we have been able to save hundreds of dollars on the epoxy floor paint and the steriguard paint for the lab walls. Thank you so very much Leonie and team and Dulux for being partners in the Bribie Island Butterfly House project. Phone 54323805 www.inspirationspaint.com.au
Inspirations Paint & Colour

JAMIE CLUFF has been with the Moreton Bay Regional Council for two or three years now and one of his assignments has been to work with the new butterfly house project. Jamie has been fantastic. Right from the start he has absolutely bent over backwards to assist us in dozens and dozens of different ways. Sometimes Jamie has had to smack our fingers for running ahead on some aspects of our project where we were unaware that Council permission was needed first. We are so very, very happy to have Jamie's help in so many ways. Thank you, Jamie.
Jamie Cluff

JAN LAIRD works in the caterpillar care section of the lab and her valuable help is very much appreciated by us all. Thank you Jan for your kind help over the last couple of years and on into the future.
Jan Laird

JASPA ENGINEERING PTY LTD We approached Richard Shilling at Jaspa Engineering to cut out seven mirror-finished stainless steel butterflies to construct a large mobile in the butterfly house. Richard did the job well and then discounted the cost by several hundreds of dollars. In the whole process, Richard was always very friendly, helpful, explained the process well and delivered the goods. Thank you very much, Richard, for your assistance on our journey. Go to: www.jaspaengineering.com.au to see their work in steel sales, fabrication, cutting, folding and welding.
Jaspa Engineering

JENNIFER SEARY helped us with potting up and various jobs at the old butterfly house and so has helped us on the journey towards the opening of the new butterfly house. Thank you very much, Jennifer, for all you have done to help get us there.
Jennifer Seary

JILL OTTER see Tony and Jill Otter
Jill Otter

JOHN HARVEY John is a carpenter and Brendan's dad. He helped make short work of the roof truss installation and so helped us on the journey towards completion. It is unbelievable how so many people like John have put their hands up to help. John, thank you heaps.
John Harvey

JOHN & KAL TRAZONA Chartered Accountants. We approached John and Kal to help us with our accountancy and auditing. They not only said 'yes!' but have very kindly audited our books for no cost whatsoever. Thank you so much for being a part of the Bribie Island Butterfly House. Their number for accountancy work on and around Bribie is 34083300 or 0418845538.
John and Kal Trezona

JOHN MCNAUGHTON has donated many hours of his time putting together design concepts for the butterfly house. I trust we’ve done justice to his vision, even though I’m sure we’ve wandered off the track a bit. When you visit the butterfly house, we hope you’ll enjoy our ‘unusualities’. John’s business is www.palazzodesign.com and he does some amazing stuff. Thank you John.
John McNaughton

KEITH and SUE BELLETTE volunteered for some time until Keith gained employment away from the Island and they moved house. Thank you very much for your help in moving forward the butterfly project.
Keith and Sue

KEITH WILTON-JONES Keith has joined our volunteer team to help obtain discounts and donations for many items and trade work we require to finish the butterfly house. We wish to open debt-free so 100% of profits from entry ticket sales will immediately go to charities. Thank you very much Keith for your untiring work and dedication to a great cause.
Keith Wilton-Jones
KERRY FINN Kerry is Colleen's other half. Kerry has constructed a chrysalis mounting frame to carry hundreds of chrysalises in the lab. He has supplied lots of nuts, bolts, washers etc and along with Colleen has changed hundred of caterpillar nappies in the breeding lab. Thank you heaps, Kerry. We wish you both a trouble free move south and a great future.
Kerry Finn

LILLIAN ARCHER is nine years of age and is a wonderful granddaughter of Ray and Delphine. At the old butterfly house Lilly helped in the pruning of plants, showing visitors around and caring for the butterflies and stick insects. She was good at making morning tea for our volunteers and often shared food with the visiting kids out of Grandpa's esky. This meant that when Grandpa sat down to eat, sometimes there wasn't much food left for him. Lilly helped to paint frames for the 'positive thinking' signs. She chose the ones she felt were positive and easy for our visitors to understand. She culled out negative signs like, 'Don't lie, cheat or steal – the Government hates competition.' Even though Lilly has a generous dose of ADD (like Grandpa grew up with) she almost always puts her hand up to help with so many 'jobs' around the butterfly house. Thank you, Lilly. We hope that along with your regular visits to the butterfly house, you and many other children will be helped on your life's journey to become wonderful adults in this turbulent world of ours.
Lillian Archer

LEILA FORBES is a gold sponsor who has invested hundreds of hours of her time into the butterfly house project. Leila’s main input has been into the egg collection, caterpillar and chrysalis care and the release of butterflies into the safety of the butterfly house. Leila and her husband Norm have also successfully raised hundreds of butterflies at their own home to assist in populating the butterfly house. You are an inspiration to many of our volunteers. Thank you Leila for your ongoing dedication to this great cause.
Leila Forbes

LOVELL CONCRETING Phil Lovell is seriously a gold star sponsor. When we were looking for suitable clay to add to our Bribie sand in the butterfly house, we came across Phil from Lovell Concreting on Bribie. He offered to help with our concreting work - no charge! Out of the kindness of his heart, Phil firstly set up the formwork for seventy metres of concrete pathways in the butterfly house and organised the pouring and finishing of the concrete. Others of us volunteered our help as 'apprentices'. Then Phil poured the footings for the dark entry tunnel, arranged for block-layers, and core-filled the tunnel masonry block wall. As if that wasn't enough, Phil then went on to box up and pour and finish the floor slab of the breeding laboratory and core-fill the block walls. Next came the concrete areas outside the lab for the viewing corridor and other walking areas. Every person we spoke to who'd had concreting work done by Phil praised him greatly. Likewise, we found that Phil has very big heart, is very generous, and is an absolute gentleman. Phil's phone number is 0408095033. Phil has a lifetime pass to the Bribie Island Butterfly House.
Lovell Concreting

LYNDA BATHE Lynda had been volunteering at our old Banksia Beach butterfly house and somehow we got to talking about toilet seats for the new butterfly house. I explained that there were some seats and lids that had black and white butterflies on them but they cost $100 each. The conversation ended and Lynda left. An hour later a text came through that read, 'Hello Ray, Lynda here. You can tick toilet seats off your list for new building. Will bring them in on Monday. Cheers Lynda.' I got a bit teary eyed to think that someone would donate $300 worth of toilet seats to the new project and I've never deleted that text from my phone. Little were we to know that since that day on 19/2/2016, way past 200 more people would kindly donate goods, dollars, advice, trade work, time, encouragement and whatever else to make this wonderful project happen. Many of the people are listed in this Honour Roll. It has been an unbelievable journey. Now back to Lynda. Lynda has since helped in so many more ways along with her long-time partner Allan Sandilands. They have supplied the materials and constructed most of the water features, purchased and fitted mist-makers to the 'Circle of Friends' and the 'Teacup' feature, set up drip, irrigation of 1,000 caterpillar food plants, provided ironbark railway sleepers for framing up the leadlight 'door' and wall shelves in the butterfly house and so many more things I don't even remember because of the onset of my old-timers' disease. Allan and Lynda, thank you both hugely for your fantastic help. If you need to buy hose and fittings, their website is www.australianhoseandfittings.com.au
Lynda Bathe

MARGARET and ROGER HUNT are a lovely older couple who have helped to move the project forward until they left their home and moved into a smaller unit at a retirement complex. Margaret was always very pro-active and if there wasn’t a task to be performed immediately she was jumping around like a maggot on a hotplate until we gave her one. She loved pruning butterfly plants and preparing cuttings for propagation – anything green was her specialty. Roger did a lot of potting and watering. We miss your help and friendship Margaret and Roger and we look forward to seeing you back soon.
Margaret and Roger

MARGARET LAMBERT put into place the data base of Butterfly Plant Foster-Carers and also cared for some plants herself. Due to shortage of sunny spaces at our previous Banksia Beach butterfly site, we put into place a foster-care programme where a thousand plants went out into the Bribie and surrounding community to be cared for. Thank you Margaret for your help.
Margaret Lambert

MARIA NORMAN has put in a lot of time volunteering in the butterfly breeding lab and other areas of the 'assembly line’. Caring for her father Joseph now takes up a lot of time and we’ve appreciated very much Maria’s very kind help. Her other skills include sewing repairs on Ray’s clothing. Maria would always clean up excess vegetables from the hydroponics system to feed some hungry ducks and chooks and things. Maria has recently supplied the soft mosquito netting and sewn up all the bags for the butterfly nets. These nets will be used for our Wildstock Warrior outings. Thank you heaps Maria.
Maria Norman

MASTER CARPENTRY Mark and Renee are based close to Bribie Island at Ningi. They have very kindly done most of the construction work on our pump shed. The pump shed houses two pumps, filtering equipment, fertilizer injector to ensure the health of our butterfly food and nectar plants, as well as the automatic irrigation control gear. Thank you very much Mark and Renee for helping the butterfly project to open debt-free. We wish you the very best with your carpentry business. (www.mastercarpentry.com.au)
Mark and Renee

MELBOURNE ZOO BUTTERFLY HOUSE is a great butterfly house to visit and is cared for by a very dedicated team headed up by Kate, Sarah and others. These wonderful people have been extremely supportive of our involvement in the Butterfly House journey. They have generously given us lots of advice and stick insects and thousands of butterfly eggs. Thank you hugely for your wonderful help. www.zoo.org.au/melbourne
Melbourne Zoo Butterfly House

MATT OWEN (web design) This bright and beautiful butterfly website you are browsing right now, was designed by a fellow butterfly lover and a born and bred Bribie Islander. Matt loves Bribie and he very happily and generously offered to set up our new website. Thanks so much Matt!! We love your work and enthusiasm and we wish you all the very best with your future. Matt has offered to tutor us as we further develop the website, so thanks once again. You can find Matt and see more of his work at www.999websites.com.au
Matt Owen

MORAYFIELD FENCING AND SUPPLIES under the ownership of Nigel and Leslie is a gold sponsor. More than a year earlier they supplied all of the materials for the security fence and other items all at cost. Then they kindly lent us about 20 metres of temporary security fence panels and we're quite sure that some of us realised they'd still be here almost 12 months later. Thank you, Nigel and Leslie, for your wonderful help with the construction of the Bribie Island Butterfly House. For any fencing and landscaping needs, their office number is 54956377 or Mob 0409590916. www.morayfieldfencing.com.au
Morayfield Fencing and Supplies

MORETON BAY CIVIL CONTRACTING We needed 15 cubic metres of brown clay mixed with mineral laden volcanic blue-metal crusher dust. We wanted this to turn our hungry Bribie Island sand into mineral rich soil to grow thousands of flowers in the butterfly house. After about 40 phone calls, Ray finally got onto Kevin Mansell who told us to try his brother Keith. Kevin said that “Keith is older and grumpier than me, but he might be able to help.” In fear and trepidation Ray rang Keith and explained our dilemma. Keith had the mix we required – fantastic. Ray asked the price including delivery. Keith said “You people are doing a good job in the community and I’ll supply it no-charge.” What a fantastic blessing for the butterfly project. Keith’s kindness saved us about seven hundred dollars all up. Thank you very very much Keith and all the very best wishes from the Bribie Island Butterfly House team of volunteers.
Moreton Bay Civil Contracting

MIKE MOODY and Kerry have come to live nearby at Sandstone Lakes. Mike is a retired post office operator and he's very handy with a hammer and nails and such things. Mike has assisted by completing a number of odd jobs for us and then he saw our request for people who want extra exercise by letter-boxing our 'The new Bribie Island Butterfly House is now open' leaflets. Mike and Kerry were quick to put their hands up to help and have probably put well over 2,000 leaflets into letterboxes for the project. Thank you so very much, Mike and Kerry, for all the wonderful publicity we have received and the good health you have received in the process.
Mike Moody

MURRAY & ASSOCIATES (Surveyors and Town Planners) When the Council lease was drawn up for the Butterfly House land, we found that the existing boundary fence was not on the original survey alignment. This held us up for two months while much dialogue proceeded on the issue. We finally had to ' bite-the-bullet' and employ a surveyor. Ray phoned Craig Andrews at Murray & Associates in Caboolture and explained our dilemma and the purpose and goals of the Butterfly House. Craig immediately dropped tools and came to our help. Within 48 hours the survey work was completed (free of charge) and we were able to move forward again. Thank you very much Craig and your team for being such an unbelievable help in time of need. The website for this wonderful company is www.mursurv.com (phone 54951478).
Murray & Associates

MYRA MILNER saw an article about the butterfly house in a local newspaper and phoned us. Myra kindly donated four quite old books about butterflies for our breeding lab research library. Thank you very much, Myra, they are already been well used.
Myra Milner

NOEL MILLINER is the secretary for the Caboolture Garden Club. Noel has been helping the Butterfly House project with potting up plants, making up the potting mix, pruning plants and shrubs, taking lots of rubbish to the dump and recording what butterfly-attracting plants and shrubs we’ve given away to who. Noel’s records show that Bribie Butterfly Volunteers have given away free over 6,000 plants in our first two and a half years of operation at our first Banksia Beach address. At the new premises, all plants will be sold and all profits will be given to charities as explained on our website. Thank you very much Noel for all your work potting, pruning, recording and keeping the place tidy and every other thing.

NORBERT POTHIN cared for our treasury work for the first year of operation of Bribie Butterfly Volunteers Inc. He was also involved in potting, propagating, weeding and care of the hydroponics system where some of the caterpillar food plants are grown. Thank you very much Norbert for your valuable input into the establishment of the Bribie Island Butterfly House.

NORM FORBES has managed businesses for many years and his acquired skills are of immense value to the butterfly house project. He is a very wise mentor who guides us with his business procedure and people skills. Norm is a very practical person who assists with many of the day-to-day tasks including the preparation and construction of the new butterfly house. His donation of time and dollars has been extremely helpful and his presence on the management team is invaluable. Norm and Leila also raise butterflies at home to help populate the butterfly house. Thank you hugely Norm.

PATRICIA DEDIEU started volunteering at the Butterfly House towards the end of 2016. Patricia is involved in watering plants, weeding, fertilizing, dead-heading spent flowers in the butterfly house and many other tasks. Patricia is able to help out a few days each week and her help for a great cause is very much appreciated.
Patricia Dedieu

PAUL PLANT is the editor of the ‘Sub Tropical Gardening’ magazine. http://www.stgmagazine.com.au/contributors/paul_plant.htm Paul donated his valuable time and expertise to present a pruning workshop for butterfly plants. We needed to learn how to prune nectar-producing flower plants to produce maximum flower heads per plant. This workshop was not only extremely valuable for nectar production in our butterfly house but also for home gardeners as well. Thank you Paul for your very valuable input and friendship as well as the gift of various new and unusual nectar plants for the butterfly house.

PAUL JONES Over quite a long time, Paul has helped with letter-boxing, advice and encouragement. Now that the Butterly House is open he also helps at the front office. Paul is 75 years of age at the time of this writing and is a retired bookkeeper. He has osteoporosis and walks every day. He tells us that he has no signs of dementia. 'Australia has given me a great life and I just want to help in giving a bit back.' Paul believes in the old movie 'Pay it Forward'. Thank you, Paul.
Paul Jones

PETER SAMPSON Peter is a gold sponsor and has been helping out two days a week for a long time now. He’s a team leader, researcher, makes up our potting mix, checks the plants being cared for at the home of the Butterfly Plant Foster Carers and has worked hard in the construction of the new butterfly house. Peter is very reliable in attendance and certainly deserves the gold star in front of his name. Peter, thank you heaps – you’re a champion!

PHIL LOVELL - See Lovell Concreting
Phil Lovell

PHOTO and VIDEO CREDITS Your appreciation and enjoyment of this website is due in large part to the skill, patience and enthusiasm of our photographers and videographers. We thank them all very much indeed :-
Hongming Kan for superb high definition butterfly photos, Dennis Wayper for our homepage video, Angela Blinco for many volunteer and butterfly photos, Delphine and Ray and many other generous friends and butterfly enthusiasts.
Thank you for visiting our Butterfly House and we hope you receive much enjoyment and appreciation of the amazing creation of the butterfly.
Photo and Video Credits

PIPELINE QUEENSLAND PTY LTD Geoff has been involved with our project from start to finish. His company has very kindly sponsored the concrete pumping service to pour the concrete slabs and fill the block walls. Geoff has been fantastic to work with and nothing is ever too much trouble for him. His excuse for coming to help with our job is that he can enjoy a great swim at Bribie Island. Thank you hugely Geoff for your very big heart and kind help for this great community project.
Pipeline Queensland Pty Ltd

P.P.G. INDUSTRIES AUSTRALIA donated the special sign-writing paint for our big butterfly 'photo opportunity'. One of our local volunteers, retired signwriter Errol Fender, then turned the bright paints into a masterpiece at the Butterfly House. Thank you very much P.P.G.
INDUSTRIES AUSTRALIA and Errol for your valuable help to make the project a reality.
PPG Industries Australia

POHLMAN'S NURSERY Pohlmans kindly helped us some years ago by supplying plants for a charity project we were involved with. We recently spoke to Nicki at Pohlmans and they have very kindly supported our current project by supplying 120 Pentas plants for a nectar-garden feature in the butterfly house. We have known the Pohlman family for many years and their company has always been highly respected for the excellent quality of their plants sold through retail stores Australia wide. Thank you again to Nicki and Pohlman's Nursery. www.pohlmans.com.au
Pohlman's Nursery

P.P.G. INDUSTRIES AUSTRALIA donated the special sign-writing paint for our big butterfly 'photo opportunity'. One of our local volunteers, retired signwriter Errol Fender, then turned the bright paints into a masterpiece at the Butterfly House. Thank you very much P.P.G.
INDUSTRIES AUSTRALIA and Errol for your valuable help to make the project a reality.
PPG Industries Australia

PRISCILLA KLING is a gold sponsor who has given hundreds of hours of her time to this project over the last few years. Priscilla’s main work has been in collecting leaf material on Bribie for the hungry caterpillars and replacing their old leaves with fresh ones in the caterpillar castles (insect enclosures). Thank you very very much Priscilla for your ongoing dedication to this great cause. Priscilla is a great example for her favourite Bible verse that reads, “Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God”.

R & M FLYNN - Co-operative Bricklaying Services At very short notice, Errol and his partner Marty came in and worked tirelessly to complete the blockwork for the entry tunnel and then the breeding laboratory. They are excellent craftsmen and very efficient. More than all of that, Errol and Marty donated thousands of dollars worth of labour for the project. Thank you men for your extreme kindness.
R & M Flynn

RAY ARCHER (with Delphine, his bride of many years) has visited dozens of butterfly houses and brought his butterfly breeding hobby to Bribie when they retired. Many of the locals have enjoyed helping with the raising of butterflies and plants. Ray has enjoyed helping with the planning and execution of the current Bribie Island Butterfly House. Ray says that without all the extremely kind and helpful volunteers, this project would have never got off the ground. Thank you all.
Ray and Delphine

REGINA LAMBERT encouraged her husband Scott to become a volunteer and sometime after Scott started, Reggie came onto our team too. Reggie has always been meticulous in her execution of the task in hand. In the lab, all the chrysalises are glued perfectly to the side of their toothpicks and lined up like soldiers in formation. Whether potting up or changing caterpillar nappies or whatever the task, the finished product has always been excellent. Thank you very much Reggie for helping us on the journey.

RHETT ADAMS, a qualified carpenter, was one of the very kind volunteers who helped put up the roof trusses, cladding, soffit etc for the breeding lab. Thank you, Rhett for helping out of the kindness of your heart. We wish you a great future. Thank you again.
Rhett Adams

RICHARD BULL (Entomologist) has bent over backwards to give us a lot of very valuable advice on how to avoid the many predators, diseases etc that we are likely to encounter in our care for butterflies and their food plants. Richard has also supplied us with seeds for plants to attract them. Richard has been very generous with his help for which we are very grateful. Thank you, Richard. His business phone is 55451618 and 0408 884589.
Richard Bull

RICHARD SHILLING See Jaspa Engineering Pty Ltd
Richard Shilling

RON WINYARD has cared for our hydroponics system and other tasks for some time. Thank you Ron for you great help.

ROSS AND JOY SMITH We met Ross at 'Shed Happens' on Bribie in about 2014. It's a very popular monthly night for men from on and around Bribie. He dropped in to see how the butterfly project was going, walked around the construction for a while and decided it was a good community, humanitarian and environmental project and handed us a cheque to 'help out a little' - $1,000! Thank you so much Ross and Joy for your wonderful vote of confidence.
Ross and Joy Smith

ROSS KENDALL is a gold sponsor. For several years Ross was the president of the Butterfly and Other Invertebrates Club in Australia. He has always been an extremely kind and patient mentor to Ray Archer over many years and has taught Ray many lessons about raising the amazing butterfly. Ross has unselfishly shared his knowledge, skills, plants, eggs and caterpillars to get us to where we are today at the Bribie Id Butterfly House. His business ‘Butterfly Encounters’ http://www.butterflyencounters.com.au supplies thousands of butterflies for release at weddings, funerals, and many other occasions. Thank you again Ross and Lilac.
Ross and Lilac

ROY and JOY ROSS knew we needed help with water features. They have kindly donated a great water feature that is made up of about fifteen water-pouring bowls. Come and see it! We think it’s great. Thank you very much Roy and Joy for helping with the project.
Roy and Joy

RUBY and ALEX BOYD watched the development of the butterfly project with great interest as Alex in particular was fascinated by butterflies, blue ones in particular. After Alex's death, Ruby very kindly donated money towards our many bright and very practical blue trays which you will see used in the Breeding Laboratory when you come and visit us! Thank you so very much Ruby and Alex.
Ruby and Alex

SARAH HOUGHTON and her kids, David, Noel and Abi have helped with many tasks from potting and sweeping to caring for hungry caterpillars and planting nectar plants. Thank you all very much for playing a part in making the project a reality.
Sarah Houghton

SCOTT LAMBERT Scott is a gold sponsor and has been a volunteer on the team pretty much from the beginning when his wife Reggie came to look at the butterflies and said “Scott will like to work here!”. Scott is capable of doing just about everything including taking over for some weeks while Ray was away overseas. Currently Scott has taken on full-time employment at a plant nursery and his time with us has reduced to Butterfly Plant foster caring, delivering potting mix to us and some help with the hydroponics system. Thank you very much ‘brother’ for all your help to take us to where we are today.

SCOTTS' QUALITY WHOLESALE Scott Garner sells commercial cleaning products. He discounted our lab cleaning items and dispensers for sterilisation, disinfection, hygiene etc and gave us basic training on clean lab practices and chemical safety. Thank you, Scott, for your input into our fight against bacteria, viral problems and disease so that our caterpillars, chrysalises and butterflies are ensured good health.
Scott's Quality Wholesale

SHARON McCARTHY from the Council has gone the second mile to give us good advice and set up appointments with Council departments during the planning stages of our project. Thank you very much, Sharon, for your assistance.
Sharon McCarthy

SPRINT PRINT at Caboolture is operated by Grahame and Jane. They have helped us in many ways, including the donation of the Certificates of Thanks that have been presented to many sponsors. Their website is www.sprintprint.net.au . Thank you both for helping develop this great environmental, educational and humanitarian cause.
Sprint Print - Grahame and Jane

SUNCITY ROOFING AND SUPPLIES are from Caboolture (www.suncityroofing.com.au).
Aulton has seriously discounted the supply and installation of the rooves for the tunnel, breeding lab, and the viewing corridor. Aulton has also supplied free of charge, the custom orb sheets cut to size for one of our garden features in the butterfly house. We thank you very much for helping us to achieve the debt-free opening of the butterfly house.
Suncity Roofing and Supplies

TASH FOOTE loves butterflies and spoke to us about releasing some butterflies in memory of her baby son who passed away in 2013, just two and a half hours old. Tash and her husband Michael have helped many couples who have gone through the same traumatic experience. They’ve supplied special cribs to hospitals to help hurting parents as well as giving lots of other help and encouragement. Tash very kindly built our initial BlogSpot website which has now been expanded to what we have today. Thank you so much Tash and Michael, you have been so kind a huge help to our project. Blessings to you both.
Tash and Michael

TONY JEPPESEN is an electrical contractor who lives and works on and around Bribie Island. Tony is a gold star sponsor who has very kindly sponsored the installation of the entire electrical system which includes all lighting, power, data points, music systems, security, irrigation and the rest. Tony’s business is ELECTRINITY ELECTRICAL SERVICES and his phone number for electrical work is 0429483910 and the website link www.electrinity.com.au . Thank you so much Tony for your fantastic help in making this great dream come true.
Tony Jeppesen
TONY and JILL OTTER originally started volunteering at our 'hobby' butterfly house at Banksia Beach. Even though Jill spends a lot of her time in a wheelchair, this couple have been very supportive in the potting up of plants and also compile lists of groups who will benefit from visiting our wonderful Butterfly House. Tony and Jill have also donated money to help the Butterfly House open its doors debt free so that all profits can immediately go to support the charity work. Thank you so much Tony and Jill for your dedication to a great cause.
Tony and Jill Otter
TONY THE TILER Tony is 79 years of age and he kindly offered to do the floor and skirting tiling in the three toilets. Our toilets are dazzling, a bi unusual and worth looking into. Thank you very much, Tony.
Tony the Tiler

TREVOR DRUERY A very multi-talented and efficient artist, sculptor, potter, chef and probably many other things. Trevor has bent over backwards to craft three heads and a letterbox front (no more info – see them when you visit). Thank you very much Trevor for using your skills and time to help make the Bribie Island Butterfly House more ‘wow!’ and unusual.

UNITY WATER A generous grant to help set up and complete the Butterfly House was given by Unitywater. The $10,000 covered expenses for the beautiful ‘Welcome’ Entry Gate, the Mosaic work on the Entry Tunnel and the TV set-up inside the tunnel where the time-lapse emerging butterfly is shown to visitors on their way into the Butterfly House. Our sincere thanks to Unitywater for providing this much appreciated grant money.
Unity Water

UTE CRAWFORD has been helping with pruning, cleaning, caterpillar care and many other tasks. Ute is also working in the children’s education area of the Bribie Island Butterfly House. Thank you Ute for your help over a long time.

WALLUM ACTION GROUP INC. This is the volunteer driven community nursery on Bribie Island. John and Ann Ward head it up and many great volunteers assist in its operation. The nursery produces very reasonably priced plants for sale. John has been extremely supportive of our establishment beside their nursery and he and the team have assisted in many many ways. The group sells plants to raise money for many charities. Thank you all. The phone number for plant sales is: 3410 0088
Wallum - John and Ann