
This is a fabulous place to spend time with children or even just on your own. We have learnt a lot. Thank you.
Debbie, Lilly, Ava and Rosie

Thank you Ray and Volunteers for the wonderful work you all do. Hope to join as a volunteer soon.

First visit. Many more to come. Awesome! Wow! Wonderful!
Dianne S (Victoria)

Had so much fun with the butterflies and learned so much. Best of luck to you.
David (Ireland)

From a beautiful sunrise with you on Mt Warning to your gorgeous butterfly garden. Thanks for the invite to such a treasure. Best of luck to you!
Amy and Jenn (Canada)

It is peaceful and refreshing to my soul.
The butterflies are amazing and beautiful and I would like to do this when I grow up.
Chantel (aged 8)

Stunning display of some of God’s most magnificent creatures. Thank you!
Lynda and Troy

Fantastic experience! So much fun for all the family ☺
It’s really nice! I wish I had a butterfly garden! I’ll remember, NEVER GIVE UP!! I love this place.
Beautiful Enchanting Place. It’s where Dreams can be Dreamed.
Sandie R, Charlie and Ellie

Magical! Thank you for the inspiration to create my own butterfly menagerie.

Reminds me of the bush when I was a child.
Jan Z

Thank you for inviting us into your little wonderland of fluttering beauties. I’m sure we’ll be back again.
Teresa and Keith H

Thank you so much. What a wonderful gift. I could sit here for hours and watch my daughter.
Helen P

Thank you Ray for such a beautiful experience. It is awesome to have butterflies land on me!

It was amazing seeing the butterflies just coming out. God made them all. Thank you very much.
Ann S

A beautiful place to meditate and feel at peace.
Kathy and Mike

What a beautiful hidden sanctuary. We loved it – small and big people alike.
Fiona, Emily and Pippa B

We have all had a wonderful visit and I think it brings a lot of happiness into a lot of people’s lives.
I am utterly spellbound. If I lived here I would come to work for you – 87 or not! It is fascinating and so inspired by our Creator.
Glen B

What a wonderful and peaceful place to come and soak up the atmosphere.
Mel E

Thank you for a truly amazing experience. Simply beautiful and filled my heart with joy. A very healing experience after the long road that I have travelled.
Jean F

Thank you for letting me have this experience with my girls. Showing them the life cycle from caterpillar to butterfly is a memorable moment my daughters and I will never forget.

What a mind blowing place. I hope I live long enough to see a name change for our island – Butterfly Island!
Peter and Eva

Thank you for a truly amazing experience. Simply beautiful and filled my heart with joy. A very healing experience after the long road that I have travelled.
Tammy H